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China's Financial Markets - Banks, Bonds and Equities
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Chapter 1 China’s Banking System
Introduction to Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction to China’s Banking System (7:13)
1.2 Bank Assets (6:23)
1.3 Bank Funding – Deposits (7:58)
1.4 Interest Rates (6:30)
1.5 Shadow Banking – the Lending (3:58)
1.6 Shadow Banking – the Investing (4:53)
1.7 Financial De-risking (6:46)
1.8 Asset Quality and Non-performing Loans (7:28)
1.9 Bank Recapitalisation (7:39)
Quick quiz #1
Chapter 2 The Yuan, the Balance of Payments and China’s FX Market
Introduction to Chapter 2
2.1 The Great Financial Wall of China (7:23)
2.2 Yuan Policy – From a Fixed To a Managed Exchange Rate (6:56)
2.3 Yuan Policy – Moving Towards More Flexibility and Away From the Dollar (6:19)
2.4 The Yuan and the Global Financial Crisis (6:23)
2.5 Will the Yuan Ever Be a Freely Floating Currency? (6:49)
Quick quiz #2
Chapter 3 China's Bond Market
Introduction to Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction to China’s Byzantine Bond Market (4:58)
3.2 Central Government and Policy Bonds and China’s Risk-Free Rate (5:34)
3.3 The Repo Market and Collateral (6:38)
3.4 Local Government Bonds and LGFVs (6:29)
3.5 Bank and Corporate Bonds (7:01)
3.6 The Buyers (4:07)
3.7 Defaults and the Pricing of Risk (5:06)
3.8 Reform - What Xi Is Trying To Achieve and What Needs To Change (6:16)
Quick quiz #3
Chapter 4 China's Equity Market
Introduction to Chapter 4
4.1 Why Now Is the Right Time To Learn About China’s Equity Market (2:49)
4.2 Early Developments and Outsourcing IPOs (5:37)
4.3 Structure (Shanghai, Shenzhen, A, B, H shares, SME Board, Chinext, Star) (5:00)
4.4 Listing Rules, Regulations, and Quirks (6:59)
4.5 Investor Profile, Attitudes and Behaviour (8:20)
4.6 The Nuts and Bolts of Trading and Settlement (6:10)
4.7 Leverage, Futures and Options (3:54)
4.8 What is Connect? (4:19)
4.9 Government Intervention Versus Free Market Dynamics (5:20)
4.10 What Xi Is Trying To Achieve and What Needs To Change (4:57)
Quick quiz #4
Chapter 5 China’s Mobile Payments and the Digital Yuan
Introduction to Chapter 5
5.1 China's Plan to Wean Itself from its Dependence on the Dollar (7:45)
5.2 China’s Digital Yuan (5:43)
5.3 Private Fintech and the Party-state (8:20)
Quick quiz #5
Final assessment
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